报告人:邱建文 副教授(香港浸会大学)
时 间:2013年11月8日(星期五)19:30
地 点:教学大楼 A121
香港理工大学博士,香港浸会大学生物系副教授,主要从事生物多樣性保护、生物入侵及水体生态学研究,是首位获资格参与“蛟龙号”任务的香港科学家,并于2013年6月19日乘坐“蛟龙号” 下潜南海冷泉区进行考察。
Research area:
Biological conservation, Aquatic ecology, Biological invasion.
Current projects:
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of environmental resistance in apple snails;
Biological control of apple snails in shallow wetlands
Bioerosion of hard corals in Hong Kong;
Representative recent publications (* - corresponding author)
Section A - Five most representative publications in recent five years
1. Sun J, Zhang H, Wang H, Heras H, Dreon MS, Ituarte S, Ravasi T, Qian PY, Qiu JW* (2012). First proteome of the egg perivitelline fluid of a freshwater aastropod with aerial oviposition. Journal of Proteome Research 11(8): 4240-4248.
2. Sun J, Chen Q, Lun JCY, Xu J*, Qiu JW* (2012). PcarnBase: development of a transcriptomic database for the brain coral Platygyra carnosus. Marine Biotechnology 15:244-251
3. Sun J, Wang M, Wang H, Zhang H, Zhang X, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY, Qiu JW* (2012). De novo assembly of the transcriptome of an invasive snail and its multiple ecological applications. Molecular Ecology Resources 12:1133-1144.
4. Lau DCC, Dumont CP, Lui GCS, Qiu JW* (2011). Effectiveness of a small marine reserve in southern China in protecting the harvested sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina: a mark-and-recapture study. Biological Conservation 144:2674-2683
5. Sun J, Zhang Y, Thiyagarajan V, Qian PY, Qiu JW* (2010). Protein expression during the embryonic development of a gastropod. Proteomics 10:2701-2711.
Section B - Five representative publications beyond the recent five-year period
6. Kwong KL, Dudgeon D, Wong PK, Qiu JW* (2010) Secondary production and diet of an invasive snail in freshwater wetlands: implications for resource utilization and competition. Biological Invasions 12:1153-1164.
7. Wong PK, Liang Y, Liu NY, Qiu JW* (2010) Palatability of macrophytes to the invasive freshwater snail Pomacea canaliculata: differential effects of multiple plant traits. Freshwater Biology 55:2023-2031.
8. Fang L, Wong PK, Lin L, Lan CY, Qiu JW* (2010) Impact of invasive apple snails in Hong Kong on wetland macrophytes, nutrients, phytoplankton and filamentous algae. Freshwater Biology 55: 1191-1204.
9. Wong PK, Kwong KL, Qiu JW*(2009) Complex interactions among fish, snails and macrophytes: implications for biological control of an invasive snail. Biological Invasions 11: 2223-2232.
10. Qiu JW*, Kwong (2009) Effects of macrophytes on feeding and life-history traits of the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata. Freshwater Biology 54: 1720-1730.