建系十周年系列活动——德州大学奥斯丁分校Jerry Brand教授学术报告

    应我系邀请,美国德州大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)藻类收集与保藏中心负责人Jerry Brand教授于9月16-19日访问我系开展短期交流,并将于19日举办学术报告。

      报告题目:Intertidal Microbial Mats: Composition, Succession and Dinitrogen Fixation
      时        间:2013年9月16日(星期一)上午10:00
地        点:暨南大学学术沙龙(第二理工楼922

      JERRY J BRAND教授简介:

      Dr. Jerry Brand is Director of the Culture Collection of Algae at The University of Texas at Austin, which is perhaps the largest and probably the most diverse, library of living algae in the world, as well as Professor of School of Biological Sciences at UTEX, USA. He conducts basic and applied research on the biology of microalgae. His primary current research interests are as follows: (1). Development of a flexible microalgal culturing facility, using vertical-tube bioreactors. (2) Characterization of microalgal-based (cyanobacterial) biofilms and marine microbial mats. (3) Improved production of isoprene-based compounds in the thermophilic cyanobacterium, BP-1. (4) Developing improved methods for maintaining and characterizing living algae that are maintained in UTEX, The Culture Collection of Algae. Jerry Brand interacts extensively with the community of scientists, engineers and business interests that is developing new commercial uses of algae, especially as a source of transportation fuel.

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