

题    目:Decoding histone acetyltransferase PCAF
地   点:生命科学技术学院 水生生物研究所4楼会议室
时   间:5月30日(星期三) 上午10:00

p300/CBP associating factor (PCAF, also known as KAT2B for lysine acetyltransferase 2B) is an important enzyme for acetylation of histone and many non-histone proteins. However, relatively little is known about regulation of its enzymatic activity. Here I will present two dimeric structures of the PCAF acetyltransferase (HAT) domain. The dimerization is mediated by four-helical hydrophobic interactions and a ß-strand extension. Our data further demonstrate that two conserved motifs, the N terminal tail (EN) and conserved region 1 (CR1) of adenoviral oncoprotein E1A bind PCAF to stimulate the acetyltransferase activity of PCAF toward histone H3 in vitro. I will try to convince you that the HAT activity of PCAF may be regulated by its own N terminal regulatory region or adenoviral E1A, which depends on the dimeric state of PCAF.

点击次数:1068  更新时间2012-05-29  【打印此页】  【关闭
点击次数:1228  更新时间2012-05-29  【打印此页】  【关闭
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