![]() 陈勋文
陈勋文 CHEN Xun Wen 副教授、硕士生导师 Associate Professor E-mails:xwchen@jnu.edu.cn or xchenat@connect.ust.hk 从事植物-微生物互作、污染/胁迫生态学、生态修复研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省教育厅科研项目、教育部交流项目,参与香港GRF项目等。担任国际学术期刊 Environmantal Geochemistry Health 副主编、Frontiers in Microbiology 客座编辑、多个国际主流学术期刊审稿人、广东省科学技术厅等部门项目评审人。 Dr. Chen’s research interests include plant-microbe interaction, pollution/stress ecology, and ecological restoration. He is currently leading research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Education Department of Guangdong Province, and the Ministry of Education of China. He has also contributed to several research projects as a co-investigator, which were funded by the Research Grant Council of HKSAR and other agencies. In addition, Dr. Chen serves as an Associate Editor for Environ. Geochem. Health, a co-guest Editor for Frontiers Microbiol., and a reviewer for projects submitted to the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province and other organizations. ――― 研究方向 / Research Questions――― 探究植物与微生物在胁迫条件下的复杂相互作用,例如暴露于污染物和物理压力,拟解决如下基本科学问题: 1. 陆地生态系统中微生物改变污染物的行为? 2. 微生物组成时空演化规律如何,以及演化的原因是什么? 3. 在生态修复的背景下,上述过程的环境效应如何? 围绕上述问题,采用现场生态监测、盆栽试验和培养皿实验、微生物群落组装和变化数值模拟等多种方法进行研究,研究的最终目标是深入了解植物-微生物相互作用的复杂系统,并提取普适规律和机制,推动和应用于生态修复和可持续发展。 Dr. Chen’s research focuses on investigating the complex interactions between plants and microbes under stressed conditions, such as exposure to pollutants and physical stress. His research aims to answer several fundamental scientific questions, including: 1. How do microbes alter the behavior and fate of pollutants in terrestrial ecosystems. 2. How and why does microbial assembly evolve over time and space. 3. What are the environmental implications of these interactions in the context of ecological restoration. To address these questions, Dr. Chen utilizes a variety of research approaches, including ecological monitoring of sites with controlled treatments, well-controlled pot trials and petri dish experiments, and numerical modeling of microbial assembly. The ultimate goal of his research is to gain a deeper understanding of the complex systems underlying plant-microbe interactions and to extract general principles that can be applied to advance the ecological restoration and sustainable development. ――― 教育经历 / Education ――― 2013.09-2017.11 香港科技大学,土木与环境工程专业,博士学位 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Civil and environmental engineering,PhD 2009.09-2012.11 香港浸会大学,生物专业,硕士学位 Hong Kong Baptist University,Biology, MPhil 2008.01-2009.01 香港浸会大学,环境与公共卫生管理专业,硕士学位 Hong Kong Baptist University,Environmental and Public Health management,MSc 2002.09-2006.07 华中科技大学,环境工程专业,学士学位 Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Environment Engineering,BEng
2022.03-至今 暨南大学,生命科学技术学院生态学系,副教授,硕士生导师 Department of Ecology, College of Life Science and Technology, Jinan University, Associate Professor 2018.08-2022.01 南方科技大学,环境科学与工程学院,研究助理教授(副研究员),硕士生导师 Southern University of Science and Technology, School of Evironmental Science Engineering, Research Assitant Professor 2017.08-2017.12 香港教育大学,科学与环境学系,客座讲师 The Education University of Hong Kong, Department of Science and Environment Studies, Guest lecturer 2017.07-2018.08 香港科技大学,土木与环境工程学系,博士后 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Civil and environmental engineering,Postdoc 2012.10-2013.08 香港理工大学,工业与系统工程学系,研究助理 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Industrial and Systems Engneering, Research Assistant
――― 代表性论文 / Representative Publications ――― 1. Li H, Zhang H, Huang WX, Yu ZS, Pan M, Zhao HM, Xiang L, Cai QY, Mo CH, Chen XW. 2023. Arsenic-triggered bacterial minorities correlate with arsenic accumulation in cabbage. Geoderma 429: 116278. 2. Lin S, Chen XW, Cai Z, Shi J, Fu J, Jiang G, Wong MH (2022) Remediation of emerging contaminated sites due to uncontrolled e-waste recycling. Chemical Engineering Journal 430: 133169. 3. Li H, Gao MY, Mo CH, Wong MH, Chen XW, Wang J-J (2022) Potential use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for simultaneous mitigation of arsenic and cadmium accumulation in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 73: 50–67. 4. Li H, Chen XW, Wu L, Luo N, Huang WX, Mo CH, Li YW, Xiang L, Zhao HM, Cai QY, Wong MH (2020) Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on redox homeostasis of rice under Cd stress. Plant and Soil 455: 121–138. 5. Chen XW, Wong JTF, Wang JJ, Wong MH (2021) Vetiver grass-microbe interactions for soil remediation. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 51: 897–938 6. Chen XW, Wu L, Luo N, Mo CH, Wong MH, Li H (2019) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the associated bacterial community influence the uptake of cadmium in rice. Geoderma337: 749–757 7. Chen XW, Kang Y, So PS, Ng CWW, Wong MH (2018) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase the proportion of cellulose and hemicellulose in the root stele of vetiver grass. Plant and Soil 425: 309–319 8. Ni JJ, Chen XW, Ng CWW, Guo HW (2018) Effects of biochar on water retention and matric suction of vegetated soil. Géotechnique Letters 8: 124−129 9. Chen XW, Wong JTF, Leung AOW, Ng CWW, Wong MH (2017) Comparison of plant and bacterial communities between a subtropical landfill topsoil 15 years after restoration and a natural area. Waste Management 63: 49–57 ――― 专著 / Book Chapter――― Chen XW, Wong MH, Dickinson N (2023) Towards a circular economy: Integration of food waste into urban agriculture and landscaping. In: Wong MH, Diane P, Dickinson N (eds) Food Waste Valorisation. Food, Feed, Fertilizer, Fuel and Value-Added Products (in press). World Scientific Publishing Company. ――― 科研项目 / Research Project――― 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42077298):根系分泌物-细菌互作影响农作物镉吸收机理研究,主持 National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Programme, Mechanistic investigation on the role of root exudates-bacteria interactions in crop cadmium uptake, Grant No. 42077298, PI 2. 广东省教育厅广东省普通高校特色创新类项目(2019KTSCX159):砷、镉胁迫下香根草根化学及微生物种群动态机理研究,主持 Guangdong University Featured Innovation Project, Rhizosphere chemistry and bacterial community dynamic of Vetiver grass under arsenic and cadmium stress. Grant No. 2019KTSCX159, PI 3. 2020年度广东省普通高校创新团队项目(2020KCXTD006):地表水-土壤-地下水污染过程与修复,核心成员 Guangdong Province University innovation team project (2020), Pollutant behavior and remediation in surface water-soil-underground water system, Grant No. 2020KCXTD006, Co-I 4. 香港特别行政区政府研究资助局优配研究金GRF(16207521):植物-真菌体系对土体内部弥散侵蚀的影响机制研究,核心成员 General Research Fund, The Government of Hong Kong SAR, China, Bio-mediation of soil internal erosion by plant roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: experimental investigation, Grant No. 16207521, Co-I; PI: AK Leung, HKUST 5. 海洋保育提升资助计划 - 香港海上液化天然氣接收站项目(MCEF21103):重金属和抗生素污染对南部和西部水域红树林生态功能的影响,主要成员 Marine Conservation Enhancement Fund – Hong Kong Offshore Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal Project, Effects of heavy metals and antibiotic pollution to the mangrove sediment microbiome and their functional diversities in western waters of Hong Kong, Project no.: MCEF21103, Co-I; PI: WY Mo, HKMU ――― 其它项目 / Other Project ――― 国家教育部港澳与内地大中小学师生交流计划 (2021),城市典型人工生态绿化带生态价值评估,项目编号:202011020039,主持,合作方:香港浸会大学 Ministry of Education of China, Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme 2021, Ecological evaluation of typical man-made green space in city, Grant No. 202011020039, PI; collabor org: HKBU ――― 荣誉与奖励 / Awards――― • 科普奉献奖《十万个高科技为什么−为什么稻米里会有砷污染》,2020,南方科技大学 Public Science Education Contribution Award, “Why the rice grain contains toxic arsenic” in “Encyclopedia for High-Tech Whys”, 2020, Southern University of Science and Technology • 金奖,国际基因工程机器大赛2020,Developing a Small Molecule to Inhibit Phage Infection of Bacterium Pseudomonas, 第二主导师 Gold Medal, iGEM 2020, Developing a Small Molecule to Inhibit Phage Infection of Bacterium Pseudomonas, Secondary PI https://2020.igem.org/Team:SUSTech_Shenzhen • 深圳市海外高层次人才(“孔雀计划”C类人才奖励) Shenzhen Overseas High-Caliber Personnel, Shenzhen Peacock Plan • 博士后研究旅行资助奖(2017, 2018),香港科技大学 Postdoc travel grant (2017, 2018), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology • 优胜奖,“挑战杯”全国赛香港区选拔赛−香港大学生创业及创新大赛,2017 Merit Award – National Competition – Hong Kong Final (Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2017) • 博士研究生研究旅行资助奖(2013, 2015),香港科技大学 PhD student travel grant (2013, 2015), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology • 研究生研究旅行资助奖(2010),香港浸会大学 Master student travel grant (2010), Hong Kong Baptist University |
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