![]() 高保燕
高保燕,博士、硕士生导师 Email: gaobaoyan1211@jnu.edu.cn
――― 学习及科研经历――― 2021.07 ~ 今 暨南大学生态学系,助理研究员 2018.04 ~ 2021.07 暨南大学生态学系,专职科研特聘副研究员 2016.01 ~ 2016.07 荷兰皇家生态研究所访问学者 2011.09 ~ 2017.12 暨南大学水生生物学硕博连读,获理学博士 2007.09 ~ 2011.07 信阳师范学院生命科学专业理学学
――― 主持的科研项目 ――― 1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(项目编号:32002412),混养方式促进布那迪四带藻积累高浓度生物质和油脂的内在机制,2021-01至2023-12,主持 2. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(项目编号:2020A1515110802),氮胁迫驱动真眼点藻高度积累棕榈油酸的调控机制,2020-10至2023-09,主持 3. 广州市对外科技合作专项(项目编号:20190701005),大数据优化的高效菌藻废水资源化系统及低抗饲料制品示范,2019-04至2022-03,子课题负责人 4. 中央高校基本科研业务费(创新基金)(项目编号:21619305),营养方式转变驱动布那迪四带藻油脂代谢过程变化的内在机制研究,2019-01至2021-12,主持
――― 发表论文 ――― 1. Baoyan Gao#, Chenming Dai#, Hu Zhang*, Chengwu Zhang* 2022. Evaluation of a novel oleaginous filamentous green alga, Barranca yajiagengensis (Chlorophyta, Chaetophorales) for biomass, lipids and pigments production. Algal Research, 64, 102681. 2. Baoyan Gao, Feifei Wang, Luodong Huang, Hui Liu, Yuming Zhong, Chengwu Zhang* 2021. Biomass, lipid accumulation kinetics, and the transcriptome of heterotrophic oleaginous microalga Tetradesmus bernardii under different carbon and nitrogen sources. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 14, 4. 3. Baoyan Gao, Luodong Huang, Xueqing Lei, Ge Meng, Jianguo Liu, Chengwu Zhang* 2020. Evaluation and transcriptome analysis of the novel oleaginous microalga Lobosphaera bisecta (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) for arachidonic acid production. Marine Drugs. 18, 229. 4. Feifei Wang#, Baoyan Gao#, Chenming Dai Min Su, Chengwu Zhang* 2020. Comprehensive utilization of the filamentous oleaginous microalga Tribonema utriculosum for the production of lipids and chrysolaminarin in a biorefinery concept. Algal Research. 50:101973 5. Baoyan Gao, Luodong Huang, Feifei Wang, Chengwu Zhang* 2019. Trachydiscus guangdongensis sp. nov., a new member of Eustigmatophyceae (Stramenopiles) isolated from China: morphology, phylogeny, fatty acid profile, pigment, and cell wall composition. Hydrobiologia. 835, 37-47. 6. Luodong Huang#, Baoyan Gao#, Feifei Wang, Manman Wu, Chengwu Zhang* 2019. Comparative transcriptome analysis of a long‑time span two‑step culture process reveals a potential mechanism for astaxanthin and biomass hyper‑accumulation in Haematococcus pluvialis JNU35. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 12, 18. 7. Baoyan Gao, Ailing Chen, Luodong Huang, Feifei Wang, Chengwu Zhang* 2019. Bilateral and simultaneous accumulation of lipid and biomass in the novel oleaginous green microalga Tetradesmus bernardii under mixotrophic growth. Algal Research. 37, 64-73. 8. Feifei Wang#, Baoyan Gao#, Manman Wu, Luodong Huang, Chengwu Zhang* 2019. A novel strategy for the hyper-production of astaxanthin from the newly isolated microalga Haematococcus pluvialis JNU35. Algal Research. 34: 101466. 9. Baoyan Gao, Jing Liu, Chengwu Zhang, Dedmer B. Van de Waal* 2018. Biological stoichiometry of microalgal lipid synthesis: the impact of N:P supply ratios and growth rate on microalgal elemental and biochemical composition. Algal Research. 32, 353-361. 10. Baoyan Gao, Song Xia, Xueqing Lei, Chengwu Zhang* 2018. Combined effects of different nitrogen sources and levels and light intensities on growth and fatty acid and lipid production of oleaginous eustigmatophycean microalga Eustigmatos cf. polyphem. Journal of Applied Phycology. 30, 215-229. 11. Wenyuan Zhang#, Feifei Wang#, Baoyan Gao#, Luodong Huang, Chengwu Zhang*. 2018. An integrated biorefinery process-Stepwise extraction of fucoxanthin, eicosapentaenoic acid and chrysolaminarin from the same Phaeodactylum tricornutum biomass. Algal Research. 32, 193-200. 12. Baoyan Gao, Ailing Chen, Wenyuan Zhang, Aifen Li, Chengwu Zhang* 2017. Co-production of lipids, eicosapentaenoic acid, fucoxanthin, and chrysolaminarin by Phaeodactylum tricornutum cultured in a flat-plate photobioreactor under varying nitrogen conditions. Journal of Ocean University of China. 16:451-459. 13. Baoyan Gao, Jin Yang, Xueqing Lei, Song Xia, Aifen Li, Chengwu Zhang* 2016. Characterization of the cell structural change, growth, lipids accumulation and pigment profiles of a novel oleaginous microalga Vischeria stellata (Eustigmatophyceae) cultured at different initial nitrate supplies. Journal of Applied Phycology. 28:821-830. 14. Song Xia#, Baoyan Gao#, Aifen Li, JihaiXiong, ZiqiangAo, Chengwu Zhang* 2014. Preliminary characterization,antioxidant properties and production of chrysolaminarin from marine diatom Odontella aurita. Marine Drugs. 12:4883-4897. 15. Wei Zhao, Haohang Fang, Zhenzhou Liu, Jiamin Chen, Chengwu Zhang, Baoyan Gao*, Jin Niu* 2021. Responses in growth performance, enzymatic activity, immune function and liver health after dietary supplementation of Porphyridium sp. in juvenile golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus). Aquaculture Nutrition, https://doi.org/10.1111/anu.13214 16. Wei Zhao, Haohang Fang, Miaoqin Huang, Min Su, Chengwu Zhang, Baoyan Gao*, Jin Niu* 2020. A newly isolated strain of Haematococcus pluvialis JNU35 improves the growth, antioxidation, immunity and liver function of golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus). Aquaculture Nutrition, DOI: 10.1111/anu.1318 17. Feifei Wang, Jiamin Chen, Chengwu Zhang, Baoyan Gao* 2020. Resourceful treatment of cane sugar industry wastewater by Tribonema minus towards valuable biomass production. Bioresource Technology,316, 123902. 18. Hu Zhang, Ailing Chen, Luodong Huang, Chengwu Zhang*, Baoyan Gao* 2021. Transcriptomic analysis unravels the modulating mechanisms of the biomass and value-added bioproducts accumulation by light spectrum in Eustigmatos cf. polyphem (Eustigmatophyceae) Bioresource Technology 338: 125523. 19. Hu Zhang, Pengyan Gong, Qinghua Cai, Chengwu Zhang, Baoyan Gao* 2022. Maximizing fucoxanthin production in Odontella aurita by optimizing the ratio of red and blue light-emitting diodes in an auto-controlled internally illuminated photobioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 126260.
――― 授权及申请的发明专利 ――― 1. 张成武,王飞飞,高保燕,黄罗冬. 一种利用黄丝藻综合炼制生物产品、生物柴油和生物材料的方法. 2018-8-24,专利号ZL201810970871.4. 2. 张成武,王飞飞,高保燕,黄罗冬. 一种利用真眼点藻纲微藻生产棕榈油酸的方法. 2018-8-24,专利号ZL201810970857.4 3. 张成武,黄罗冬,高保燕. 一种适用于单细胞真核藻类基因组大小的测定方法. 2018-09-05,专利号ZL201811032498.4 4. 张成武,黄罗冬,高保燕,吴曼曼. 高产虾青素的雨生红球藻 JNU35 及其培养方法与应用. 2019-01-25,专利号ZL201910073504.9 5. 高保燕,张成武,张虎. 一种利用适冷型丝状黄藻-段殖黄线藻生产棕榈油酸的方法. 公开号CN202111453446.6 6. 张成武,张虎,高保燕. 一种提高微藻源岩藻黄素产量的方法. 公开号CN202111114769.2 7. 张成武,王飞飞,高保燕,张虎. 棕榈油酸在抑制水产病原菌中的应用. 2020-08-17,公开号CN202010823874.2
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