![]() 董菲菲
董菲菲 博士、副研究员、硕士生导师 Email: dongff@jnu.edu.cn ――― 主要研究方向――― 极端气候变化及其生态环境效应;非点源污染和富营养化控制;流域生态水文过程; 生态环境大数据分析 ――― 主讲课程 ――― 研究生课程:生态学数据分析与应用、生态系统与全球变化、水文数值模拟技术、水环境动力学 ――― 学习及工作经历 ――― 2019.09 至今 暨南大学生态学系,副研究员 2011.09 - 2016.07 北京大学,环境科学与工程学院,理学博士 2007.09 - 2011.07 吉林大学,环境与资源学院,理学学士 ――― 主持与参与的科研项目 ――― 1) 2022-2024:国家自然科学基金青年基金“低纬高原流域非点源污染的不确定性传递机制及多尺度优化调控研究” 主持 2) 2021-2023: 广州市基础与应用基础研究项目“基于贝叶斯网络的非点源污染模拟优化调控方法研究”主持 3) 2020-2022: 中央高校基本科研业务费“青年基金流域面源污染的多尺度调控方法研究” 主持 4) 2016-2019: Integrated Modelling to Assess Phosphorus Best Management Practices in Hamilton Harbour. Environment and Climate Change Canada 参与 5) 2017-2018: Use of Modeling Approach to Improve Ecosystem Management and Measure Progress through Adaptive Management (Inventory of and Recommendations for the Great Lakes Water Quality Models). The International Joint Commission Great Lake Science Advisory Board Research Coordination Committee 参与 ――― 发表论文 ――― 1. Li, Jincheng, Mengchen Hu, Wenjing Ma, Yong Liu, Feifei Dong*, Rui Zou, and Yihui Chen. 2023. “Optimization and Multi-Uncertainty Analysis of Best Management Practices at the Watershed Scale: A Reliability-Level Based Bayesian Network Approach.”Journal of Environmental Management 331:117280.(1区TOP,IF=8.9097) 2. Dong, Feifei, Jincheng Li, Chao Dai, Jie Niu, Yan Chen, Jiacong Huang, and Yong Liu. 2022. “Understanding Robustness in Multiscale Nutrient Abatement: Probabilistic Simulation-Optimization Using Bayesian Network Emulators.”Journal of Cleaner Production 378.(1区TOP,IF=11.0717) 3. Jiang, Qingsong, Yanxin Sun, Mingying Chuo, Feifei Dong*, Ningning Ji, Xiaoyan Ji, Jincheng Li, Zhiyun Wang, and Yong Liu*. 2022. “Global Meta-Analysis of Evolution Patterns for Lake Topics over Centurial Scale: A Natural Language Understanding-Based Deep Clustering Approach with 130,000 Studies.”Journal of Hydrology 614.(1区TOP,IF= 6.7085) 4. Liu, Yong#, Feifei Dong#, and Jie Niu. 2022. “A Process-Guided Hybrid Bayesian Belief Network to Bridge Watershed Modeling and BMP Planning.”Journal of Hydrology 614.(1区TOP,IF= 6.7085) 5. Dong, Feifei, Aisha Javed, Ali Saber, Alex Neumann, Carlos Alberto Arnillas, Georgina Kaltenecker, and George Arhonditsis*. A flow-weighted ensemble strategy to assess the impacts of climate change on watershed hydrology. Journal of Hydrology 594 (2021): 125898.(1区TOP,IF= 6.7085) 6. Alex Neumann#, Feifei Dong#, Yuko Shimoda#, Carlos Alberto Arnillas, Aisha Javed, Cindy Yang1, Sophia Zamaria, Sohom Manda, Christopher Wellen, Diana Paredes, Natalie Feisthauer, E. Agnes Blukacz-Richards, Yerubandi R. Rao, George B. Arhonditsis*. A review of the current state of process-based and data-driven modelling: guidelines for Lake Erie managers and watershed modellers. Environmental Reviews (2021). (IF= 5.5471) 7. Dong, Feifei, Zhenzhen Zhang, Chun Liu, Rui Zou, Yong Liu*, and Huaicheng Guo. Towards efficient Low Impact Development: A multi-scale simulation-optimization approach for nutrient removal at the urban watershed. Journal of Cleaner Production 269 (2020): 122295.(1区TOP,IF=11.0717) 8. Dong, Feifei, Alex Neumann, Dong-Kyun Kim, Jiacong Huang, and George B. Arhonditsis*. A season-specific, multi-site calibration strategy to study the hydrological cycle and the impact of extreme-flow events along an urban-to-agricultural gradient. Ecological Informatics 54 (2019): 100993.(IF=4.4978) 9. Feifei Dong, Yong Liu*, Zhen Wu, Yihui Chen, Huaicheng Guo. Identification of Watershed Priority Management Areas Under Water Quality Constraints: A Simulation-Optimization Approach with Ideal Load Reduction. Journal of Hydrology 07/2018; 562.(1区TOP,IF= 6.7085) 10. Feifei Dong, Yong Liu*, Han Su, Rui Zou, Huaicheng Guo. Reliability-oriented multi-objective optimal decision-making approach for uncertainty-based watershed load reduction. Science of The Total Environment 05/2015; 515.(1区TOP,IF= 10.7543) 11. Feifei Dong, Yong Liu*, Ling Qian, Hu Sheng, Yonghui Yang, Huaicheng Guo, Lei Zhao. Interactive decision procedure for watershed nutrient load reduction: An integrated chance-constrained programming model with risk–cost tradeoff. Environmental Modelling and Software 11/2014; 61:166–173.(IF= 5.4713) 12. Feifei Dong, Yong Liu*, Han Su, Zhongyao Liang, Rui Zou, Huaicheng Guo. Uncertainty-Based Multi-Objective Decision Making with Hierarchical Reliability Analysis Under Water Resources and Environmental Constraints. Water Resources Management 11/2015; 30(2). (IF=4.4263) 13. Jiacong Huang,Yinjun Zhang,Haijian Bing,Jian Peng,Feifei Dong,Junfeng Gao,George B. Arhonditsis. Characterizing the River Water Quality in China: Recent Progress and On-Going Challenges. Water Research (2021). 14. Arnillas, C.A., Yang, C., Zamaria, S.A., Neumann, A., Javed, A., Shimoda, Y., Feisthauer, N., Crolla, A., Dong, F., Blukacz-Richards, A. and Rao, Y.R., 2021. Integrating watershed and ecosystem service models to assess best management practice efficiency: guidelines for Lake Erie managers and watershed modellers. Environmental Reviews, 29(1), pp.31-63. 15. Liang, Zhongyao, Feifei Dong, Song S. Qian, Yong Liu, Huili Chen, and Wentao Lu. Ecoregional or site-specific lake nutrient criteria? Evidence from ecological fallacy. Ecological Indicators 111 (2020): 105989. 16. Liu, Chun, Dong Wang, Feifei Dong, Bill X. Hu, Zhongwu Li, and Bin Huang. Modeling organic matter sources of sediment fluxes in eroding landscapes: Review, key challenges, and new perspectives. Geoderma 383 (2021): 114704. 17. Jiacong Huang, Yinjun Zhang, George B. Arhonditsis, Junfeng Gao, Qiuwen Chen, Naicheng Wu, Feifei Dong, Wenqing Shi. How successful are the restoration efforts of China's lakes and reservoirs? Environment International 02/2019:96-103. 18. Arhonditsis, George B., Alex Neumann, Yuko Shimoda, Dong-Kyun Kim, Feifei Dong, Gabriela Onandia, Cindy Yang et al. Castles built on sand or predictive limnology in action? Part A: Evaluation of an integrated modelling framework to guide adaptive management implementation in Lake Erie. Ecological Informatics 53 (2019): 100968. 19. Arhonditsis, George B., Alex Neumann, Yuko Shimoda, Dong-Kyun Kim, Feifei Dong, Gabriela Onandia, Cindy Yang et al. Castles built on sand or predictive limnology in action? Part B: Designing the next monitoring-modelling-assessment cycle of adaptive management in Lake Erie. Ecological Informatics 53 (2019): 100969. 21. Xujun Liu, Mengjiao Zhang, Han Su, Feifei Dong, Yao Ji, Yong Liu. A Multi-Objective Chance-Constrained Programming Approach for Uncertainty-Based Optimal Nutrients Load Reduction at the Watershed Scale. Water 05/2017; 9(5):322. 22. Han Su, Feifei Dong, Yong Liu, Rui Zou, Huaicheng Guo: Robustness-Optimality Tradeoff for Watershed Load Reduction Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty. Water Resources Management 04/2017. 23. Pingjian Yang, Feifei Dong, Yong Liu, Rui Zou, Xing Chen, Guo Huaicheng. A refined risk explicit interval linear programming approach for optimal watershed load reduction with objective-constraint uncertainty tradeoff analysis. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 03/2014; 10(1). 24. Yong Liu, Yilin Wang, Hu Sheng, Feifei Dong, Rui Zou, Lei Zhao, Huaicheng Guo, Xiang Zhu, Bin He. Quantitative evaluation of lake eutrophication responses under alternative water diversion scenarios: A water quality modeling based statistical analysis approach. Science of The Total Environment 09/2013; 468-469C:219-227. 25. Dai, C., Qin, X., Dong, F., & Cai, Y. (2022). Climate change impact on blue and green water resources distributions in the Beijiang River basin based on CORDEX projections. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 13(7), 2780-2798. 26. Liu, Q., Niu, J., Lu, P., Dong, F., Zhou, F., Meng, X., ... & Hu, B. X. (2022). Interannual and seasonal variations of permafrost thaw depth on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau: A comparative study using long short-term memory, convolutional neural networks, and random forest. Science of The Total Environment, 838, 155886. |
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