![]() 刘娜
刘娜,教授,博士生导师 研究方向:土壤、地下水污染控制与修复 Email: liuna@jnu.edu.cn 电话:15044130886
——— 教育经历 ——— 2002.09-2006.07 吉林大学 水文学及水资源专业 博士 1999.09-2002.07 吉林大学 分析化学专业 硕士 1995.09-1999.07 长春科技大学(原长春地质学院)工业分析专业 学士
——— 工作经历 ——— 2019.10至今 暨南大学教授,博导 2012.10-2019.10 吉林大学新能源与环境学院教授,博导 2015.05-2019.10 地下水资源与环境教育部重点实验室,副主任 2014.03-2014.08 加拿大滑铁卢大学访问学者 2010.10-2011.10 美国莱斯大学访问学者 2008.10-2012.09 吉林大学环境与资源学院副教授,硕导 2003.03-2008.09 吉林大学环境与资源学院讲师
——— 承担科研项目 ——— 1. 国家自然科学基面上项目(41572217):多硫化钙修复 Cr(VI)污染地下水及其同位素分流效应,2016-2019,84万元 2. 国家自然科学基面上项目(41372236):基于 CSIA和PCR两种新型环境分子诊断技术评价 TCE 污染地下水的生物降解效能,2014-2017,98万元 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41072170):硝基苯污染地下水生物修复微生物群落结构及修复效能,2011-2013,52万元 4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(40702039):地下水污染原位修复的生物可渗透反应墙新型装填介质研究,2008-2010,19万元 5. 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项“典型污染场地地下水污染防治关键技术研究与工程示范”专题(2018ZX07109 -003-003):地下水污染阻断剂污染物增溶增流技术研究与示范,2018-2021,90万元 6. 科技部国家潜在油气资源(油页岩勘探开发利用)产学研用合作创新项目——子平台一:油页岩开发利用环境影响评价,2012.01-2012.12,45万元 7. 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项“松花江沿岸地下水污染控制关键技术及工程示范课题”专题 5(2008ZX07207-007-05):浅层地下水有毒有机污染物的原位修复技术与示范:化学生物联合修复地下水中有机污染物研究,2008-2010,10万元 8. 国家863计划重大项目“重大环境污染事件污染场地净化与修复技术”( 2008AA06A410)专题负责人,2008.11-2011.06,20万元 9. 吉林省发改委项目(2019C055-4):氯代烃污染地下水修复新技术,2019-2021,20万元 10. 吉林省科技厅自然科学基金项目:CPS修复六价铬污染地下水研究。2017-2019,13万元 11. 吉林省科技厅应用基础研究项目(120102JC01024925):农业废弃物制备具有固氮活性生物质碳及其在土壤改良中的应用,2013-2015,8万元 12. 国土资源部项目子课题:松嫩平原地下水资源及其环境问题调查研究,2007-2009,7 万元 13. 中国地调局项目:《松嫩平原(吉林)地下水污染调查评价项目》地下水、土壤现状监测工作,2013.5-2014.12,72万元 14. 吉林省环保厅项目:油页岩残渣研制新型净水复合材料,2009-2011,2万元 15. 横向项目(环保部华南环境科学研究所):典型工业聚集区地下水污染形成过程及控制技术研究,2022-2023 16. 横向项目(环保部华南环境科学研究所):水龙尾铅锌矿矿山开采区地下水PRB修复材料、防渗改造材料研发及修复方案优化,2022-2023 17. 横向课题:硝基苯类污染物污染土壤生物修复小试实验,2021-2022 18. 横向课题:用于厨余易腐垃圾处置的系列微生物工程菌剂的开发研究,2019-2020,10万元 19. 横向项目(吉林省地质环境监测总站):2018年吉林省地下水环境监测(丰水期),2018,8.88万元 20. 横向项目(企业):基于微生物浸矿法的油页岩综合利用新工艺研究,2014,10万元 21. 横向项目:小山水电站大坝安全第二次定期检查水质全分析,2011.11-2011.12,22万元 22. 横向项目(企业):长白山矿泉水特征组份分析及深度开发研究,2009.8-2009.12,19万元 23. 吉林大学国家杰出青年基金后备人选培育计划:助溶剂强化冲洗技术与生物还原脱氯修复技术进行 TCE污染地下水的修复,2014-2016,20万元 24. 吉林大学青年师生学科交叉培育项目:新型磁性氮掺杂碳材料制备及吸附去除水体中重金属离子,2014.7-2016.7,4.6万元 25. 吉林大学科学前沿与交叉学科创新项目:石油烃污染地下水生物修复中表面活性剂原位产生及生物修复机制研究,2009-2011,5万元 26. 吉林大学种子基金项目:新型生物反应墙修复地下水中阿特拉津的研究,2007-2009,2万元
——— 第一作者及通讯作者论文 ——— 1. Zhenghao Qiao, WenminWang, Na Liu, Hsin-TingHuang, Lakshmanan Karuppasamy, Hsin-JuYang, Cheng-Hua Liu, Jerry J.Wu. Synthesis of MOF/MoS2 composite photocatalysts with enhanced photocatalytic performance for hydrogen evolution from water splitting, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j. ijhydene. 2021.10.021 2. Tingchen Cui, Peng Wang, Jialu Li, YaoMing Su, Na Liu, Mei Hong, Effects of temperature, pH, and salinity on the growth kinetics of Pseudomonas sp. NB-1, a newly isolated cold-tolerant, alkali-resistant, and high-efficiency nitrobenzene-degrading bacterium, Environmental Technology, 2022, 12:1-13. 3. Na Liu, Qing Hu, Chao Wang, Lizhi Tong, Chih-Huang Weng, Longzhen Ding. Hexachloroethane dechlorination in sulfide-containing aqueous solutions catalyzed by nitrogen-doped carbon materials, Environmental Pollution 2021, 281:116915. 4. Qilin Han, Yadong Yang, Ruofan Wang, Kai Zhang, Na Liu, Mei Hong. Biochar Derived from Agricultural Wastes as a Means of Facilitating the Degradation of Azo Dyes by Sulfides, Catalysts, 2021, 11(4):434 5. Peng Wang, Fei Li, Wenmin Wang, Ruofan Wang, Yadong Yang, Tingchen Cui, Na Liu, Mengyan Li. Cometabolic degradation of 1,4-dioxane by a tetrahydrofuran-growing Arthrobacter sp. WN18, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 217: 112206. 6. Ammara Ahmed , Jinxin Wang , Wenmin Wang , Chioma Joy Okonkwo, Na Liu. A practical method to remove perfluorooctanoic acid from aqueous media using layer double hydride system: a prospect for environmental remediation, Environmental Technology, 2022, 43(7):1026-1037. 7. Francis Addison, Nnanake-Abasi Offiong, Qilin Han, Ruofan Wang, Na Liu. Nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon material (NCMK-3) as catalyst for removal of 4-chlorophenol during persulfate oxidation and its efficiency after reuse, Environmental Technology , 2022, 43(2):192-198. 8. Haijun Li, Chong Tang, Min Wang, Changgen Mei and Na Liu. Decolorization of azo dyes in a heterogeneous persulfate system using FeS as the activator, Water Sci Technol, 2021, 83 (7): 1703–1713. 9. Yadong Yang, Ruofan Wang, Longzhen Ding, Dan Qu, Yuting Zhang, Qilin Han, NA Liu, Yunxian Piao. Catalytic performance of biochars and mechanism of dechlorination of tetrachloroethylene in sulfide aqueous solutions, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 278:119285. 10. Ammara Ahmed, Addison Francis,Na Liu,Ying Ying Liu, A Prospect for Environmental Remediation of Perchlorate via Cost-Effective Pinus Leaves and Dandelion Flower Powder-based Layer Double Hydride (LDH) Sorbents, Arabian Journal Chemistry, 2020(13): 5181-5190. 11. Yuting Zhang, Na Liu, Yadong Yang, Jialu Li, Shuchi Wang, Jing Lv, Rui Tang, Novel carbothermal synthesis of Fe, N co-doped oak wood biochar (Fe/N-OB) for fast and effective Cr(VI) removal, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 600:124926. 12. Na Liu, Yuee Shi, Jialu Li, Meiling Zhu, Tingdi Zhang. Isolation and characterization of a new highly effective 17β-estradiol-degrading Gordonia sp. strain R9, 3 Biotech, 2020, 10:174. 13. Wenmin Wang, Gang-Jan Lee, Peng Wang, Zhenghao Qiao, Na Liu, Jerry Wu. Microwave Synthesis of Metal-doped ZnS Photocatalysts and Applications on Degrading 4-chlorophenol Using Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Ozonation Process, Separation and Purification Technology. 2020(237):116469 14. Yuting Zhang, Xinqian Jiao, Na Liu, Jing Lv, Yadong Yang. Enhanced removal of aqueous Cr(VI) by a green synthesized nanoscale zero-valent iron supported on oak wood biochar. Chemosphere, 2020, 245: 125542. 15. Na Liu, Yuting Zhang, Chao Xu, Peng Liu, Jing Lv, YingYing Liu, Qiaoying Wang. Removal mechanisms of aqueous Cr(VI) using apple wood biochar: a spectroscopic study. Journal of Hazardous materials, 2020, 384 (15), 121371. 16. Wenmin Wang , Zhenghao Qiao, Gang-Juan Lee, Hong Chen, Longzhen Ding, Meiling Zhu, Na Liu, Jerry J. Wu. Preparation of ternary photocatalysts and their application in the degradation of 1,4-dioxane using O3/UV/photocatalyst process. Separation and Purification Technology. 2020(235):116-194. 17. Feng Ding, Yong Xie, Tengyan Wu, Na Liu. Influence of chloride ions on organic contaminants decolorization through the Fe0-activated persulfate oxidation process: efficiency and intermediates. Water Science & Technology, 2019.83(3): 563-574. 18. Nan Qiao, Mingxing Gao, Xiuzhen Zhang, Yundi Du, Xue Fan, Lei Wang, Na Liu, Dayu Yu. Trichosporon fermentans biomass flocculation from soybean oil refinery wastewater using bioflocculant produced from Paecilomyces sp. M2-1, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019, 103(6), 103: 2821-2831. 19. Na Liu, Yuting Zhang, Peng Liu, Jing Lv, YingYing Liu, Longzhen Ding, Yadong Yang. Removal efficiency and mechanisms of dissolved Cr(VI) using oak wood biochar, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2019, 166: 334-343. 20. Ding Longzhen, Zhang Pengpeng, Luo Hong, Hu Yongfeng, Norouzi Banis Mohammad, Yuan Xiaoling, Liu Na. Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Materials as Metal-Free Catalyst for the Dechlorination of Trichloroethylene by Sulfide, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018,52(24):14286-14293. 21. Na Liu, Hang Wang, Jason Hwang, Chih-Huang Weng. Adsorption characteristics of Direct Red 23 azo dye onto powdered tourmaline, Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2018,11:1281-1291. 22. Na Liu, Feng Ding, Chih-Huang Weng, Chi-Chin Hwang, Yao-Tung Lin. Effective degradation of primary color direct azo dyes using Fe0 aggregates-activated persulfate process, Journal of Environmental Management, 2018,206,565-576. 23. Na Liu, Longzhen Ding, Haijun Li, Pengpeng Zhang, Jixing Zheng, Chih-Huang Weng. Stable carbon isotope fractionation of chlorinated ethenes by a microbial consortium containing multiple dechlorinating genes, Bioresource Technology, 2018,261,133-141. 24. Na Liu, Xueming Qin, Yonglei An, Hua Qiu, Yue Wang. Effects of multi-electron acceptor coexistence system on perchlorate biodegradation and microbial community variation, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2018,18(4), 1428-1436 25. Na Liu, Yuting Zhang, Yonglei An, Liu Wang. Preparation of integrative cubes as a novel biological permeable reactive barrier medium for the enhancement of in situ aerobic bioremediation of nitrobenzene-contaminated groundwater, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2018, 77, 707. 26. Xiaoling Yuan, Nihong An, Zongxin Zhu, He Sun, Jixing Zheng, Mingjun Jia,Chunmei Lu, Wenxiang Zhang, Na Liu. Hierarchically porous nitrogen-doped carbon materials as efficient adsorbents for removal of heavy metal ions, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2018,119: 320-329. 27. Feng Ding, Hong Chen, Sida Zhang, Tongjun Zhao, Na Liu. Effect of chelating agents on Reactive Green 19 decolorization through Fe0-activated persulfate oxidation process, Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 200: 325-334. 28. Na Liu, Lingyue Zhang, Yu Xue, Jing Lv, Xiaoling Yuan. Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Material as a Catalyst for the Degradation of Direct Red23 based on PersulfateOxidation,Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 184, 31 August 2017, Pages 213–219. 29. Na Liu, Yue Wang, Yonglei An, Feng Ding, Xiaolong Yu, Kang Ye. Feasibility study of in-situ bioremediation for nitrobenzene-contaminated groundwater. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 2017, 17(4): 1160-1167. 30. Na Liu, Haijun Li, Mengyan Li, Longzhen Ding, Chih-Huang Weng, Cheng-Di Dong. Oxygen exposure effects on the dechlorinating activities of a trichloroethene-dechlorination microbial consortium,Bioresource Technology. 2017, 240: 98-105. 31. Na Liu, Longzhen Ding, Haijun Li, Mingjun Jia, Wenxiang Zhang, Nihong An. N-doped nanoporous carbon as efficient catalyst for nitrobenzene reduction in sulfide-containing aqueous solutions, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2017, 490: 677–684. 32. Na Liu, Meiling Zhu, Hang Wang, Huiqiang Ma. Adsorption characteristics of Direct Red 23 from aqueous solution by biochar, Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2016, 223:335-342. 33. Na Liu, Gang Liang, Xinwei Dong, Xiaoli Qia, Jungbae Kim,Yunxian Piao. Stabilized Magnetic Enzyme Aggregates on Graphene Oxide for High Performance Phenol and Bisphenol A Removal, Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016, 306: 1026-1034. 34. Na Liu, Feng Ding, Chih-Huang Weng, Chi-Chin Hwang, Yao-Tung Lin. Minimizing the interference of carbonate ions on degradation of SRF3B dye by Fe0-aggregate-activated persulfate process, separation and purification technology. 2016, 169: 230-240. 35. Na Liu, Feng Ding, Liu Wang, Peng Liu. Coupling of bio-PRB and enclosed in-well aeration system for remediation of nitrobenzene and aniline in groundwater, Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016, 23: 9972-9983. 36. Yonglei An, Jialu Li, Na Liu. Biological characteristics of thenitrobenzene-degrading strain NB1 during bioaugmentation of nitrobenzene-contaminated groundwater, Environmental Earth Sciences. 2016,75:360 . 37. Huiqiang Ma, Shuang Zhao, Shuang Li and Na Liu. A facile approach to synthesizing S–Co–O tridoped g-C3N4 with enhanced oxygen-free photocatalytic performance via a ydrothermal post-treatment, RSC Adv. 2015, 5: 79585. 38. Huiqiang Ma, Yang Li, Shuang Li, Na Liu. Novel PO codoped g-C3N4with large specific surface area: Hydrothermal synthesis assisted by dissolution–precipitation process and their visible light activity under anoxic conditions, Applied Surface Science. 2015, 357: 131–138. 39. Na Liu, Alberto Bento Charrua, Chih-Huang Weng, Xiaoling Yuan, Feng Ding. Characterization of biochars derived from agriculture wastes and their adsorptive removal of atrazine from aqueous solution: a comparative study, Bioresource Technology. 2015, 198: 55-62. 40. Liu Na, Shi Yuee, Li Mengyan, Zhang Tingdi, GaoSong, Simultaneous determination of four trace estrogens in feces, leachate, tap and groundwater using solid-liquid extraction/auto solid-phase extraction and high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, Journal of Separation Science. 2015, 38: 3494–3501. 41. Chih-Huang Weng, Feng Ding, Yao-Tung Lin, Na Liu, Effective decolorization of polyazo direct dye Sirius Red F3B using persulfate activated with Fe0 aggregate, Separation and Purification Technology. 2015, 147: 147-155. 42. Chengdong Zhang, Mingzhu Li, XuXu, Na Liu. Effects of carbon nanotubes on atrazine biodegradation by Arthrobactersp. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015, 287: 1–6. 43. Hong Liu, Hang Wang, Xuehua Chen, Na Liu, Suriguge Bao. Biosurfactant-producing strains in enhancing solubilization and biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater, Environ Monit Assess. 2014, 186(7):4581-9. 44. Li Haijun, Qiu Hua, Zhang Lanying, Liu Na. Trichloroethylene dechlorination by copper-contained zero-valent iron slurry, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities. 2013, 29 (6): 1173-1179. 45. Na Liu, Hai-jun Li, Feng Ding. Analysis of biodegradation by-products of nitrobenzene and aniline mixture by a cold-tolerant microbial sonsortium, Journal of Hazardous Materials.2013, 260: 323-329. 46. Na Liu, Hai-jun Li,Yue-e Shi, Bo-lin Zhu, Song Gao. Biodegradation of high concentration of nitrobenzene by Pseudomonas corrugata embedded in peat-phosphate esterified polyvinyl alcohol, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2013, 29(10): 1859-67. 47. Yonglei An, Zongming Xi, Yongkai An, Na Liu. Application of air aparging and bioaugmentation for nitrobenzene and aniline remediation in shallow groundwater: A laboratory-scale study, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2012, 21(7): 1802-1809. 48. An Yong-lei , Zhang Lan-ying , Liu Na. Biostimulation-enhanced Biodegradation of Nitrobenzene in Contaminated Groundwater, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities. 2012, 28(5): 818-823. 49. Bolin Zhu, Zongming Xiu, Na Liu. Adsorption of lead and cadmium from aqueous solutions by modified oil shale ash, Oil Shale. 2012. 29(3): 268-278. 50. AN Yonglei, Zhang Lanying, Liu Na. Field scale analysis on structural changes of microbial community and its relationships with environmental factors in nitrobenzene-contaminated groundwater during air sparging remediation, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2012. 11(9): 1687-1696. 51. 高松, 刘园园, 刘娜, 吕春欣, 王琳, 张兰英, 庞英明. 闭路循环动态针捕集-气相色谱法分析地下水中的硝基苯和苯胺,分析化学. 2012, 40 (9): 1353-1359. 52. Bi Haitao, Zhang Lanying, Liu Na and Zhu Bolin. Preparation of Bio-beads and Their Atrazine Degradation Characteristics,Chemical Research in Chinese Universities. 2011, 27(3): 407-412. 53. 刘鹏, 张兰英, 焦雁林, 刘娜, 刘莹莹, 高松. 高效液相色谱法测定水中硝基苯和苯胺含量, 分析化学. 2009, 37(5): 741-744. 54. 刘娜, 张兰英, 杜连柱, 张玉玲, 刘瑞, 陈登云. 高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定汞的 3 种形态, 分析化学. 2005, 33(8): 1116-1118.
——— 著作教材 ——— 1. 《环境微生物技术》,清华大学出版社,2005.8,副主编; 2. 《环境样品前处理技术》,清华大学出版社,2008.5,副主编; 3. 《环境生物技术实验》,清华大学出版社,2012.12,主编。
——— 发明专利 ——— 1. 刘娜,丁隆真,张朋朋,Compositematerialforcatalytictreatmentofcontaminatedsoil and water and catalytic treatment method thereof. 20190528,专利号US 10, 435, 317 B2 美国 2. 刘娜,王棚,曲丹,催庭晨,一株节杆菌WN18及其应用,20220118,专利号 3. 刘娜,王若凡,杨亚东,丁隆真,一种原位构建纳米铁反应带的方法,20211001,专利号ZL 201811145314.5 4. 刘娜,杨亚东,丁隆真,一种原位构建纳米硫化亚铁反应带修复污染地下水的方法,20210319,专利号 ZL 201811316572.5 5. 刘娜,王金鑫,曲丹,一种硫化纳米铁及其制备方法和用途,20201204,公开号:CN112028131A 6. 刘娜,王棚,曲丹,催庭晨,一株二恶烷降解菌IS20及其制备方法和用途,授权号,20201117,公开号:CN111944719A 7. 刘娜,周月明,张兰英,高松,用高效液相色谱法同时测定水中邻、间、对硝基氯苯含量的方法,20140709,专利号 ZL 201110390258.3 8. 高松,张兰英,刘娜,吕春欣,李海军,刘园园,庞英明,一种快速检测油页岩含油率的方法, 20141105,专利号 ZL 201310231218.3 9. 张兰英,刘娜,任何军,王显胜,高松,化学生物组合反应带原位修复被污染地下水的方法,20130619,专利号 ZL 201110105536.6. 10. 张兰英,赵勇胜,刘鹏,刘娜,高松,任何军,硝基苯、苯胺快速复合降解菌剂及制备方法与应用,20120229,专利号 ZL 200910252892.3 11. 张兰英,杨悦锁,马会强,刘娜,高松,任何军,泥炭作为添加介质用于石油烃污染地下水的原位修复方法, 20110824,专利号 ZL 200910217811.6 12. 张兰英,杨悦锁,刘虹,刘娜,高松,任何军,邓海静,以电气石作为添加介质原位修复石油烃污染地下水方法,20110216,专利号 ZL 201010166058.5
——— 荣誉及获奖 ——— 1. 吉林大学环境与资源学院青年教师讲课比赛二等奖,2005; 2. 吉林大学环境与资源学院青年教师讲课比赛一等奖,2007; 3. 吉林大学青年教师讲课比赛三等奖,2008; 4. 获得吉林省高等学校首届“学科领军教授”荣誉称号,2013; 5. 获得吉林大学“巾帼建功”荣誉称号,2014; 6. 中国地质学会“银锤奖”,2014; 7. 入选吉林省第五批拔尖创新人才,2015; 8. 获得“长春市突出贡献专家”称号,2019。 9. 吉林省科技进步二等奖,地下水有机污染场地控制与修复技术,排名第四,2016J2S029,2016; 10. 教育部科技进步二等奖,地下水原位强化修复技术及应用示范,排名第四,2016-223,2017;
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