![]() 聂湘平
聂湘平,理学博士,博士生导师 Email: txpnie@jnu.edu.cn 办公电话:020-85223630 ――― 教育及工作经历 ――― 2009.06--2010.06 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学系统生态系/海洋研究所 访问学者 2009.10--至今 暨南大学生态学系 / 水生生物研究中心 研究员 2003.10--2009.10 暨南大学水生生物研究所工作副研究员 2001.06--2003.05 香港浸会大学/香港中文大学生物系访问学者 1999.09--2002.06 中山大学地球与环境科学学院环境科学专业博士 ――― 研究方向 ――― 主要从事污染生态学及生态毒理学相关领域研究, 特别关注持久性有毒有害污染物(PBTs)以及药物与个人护理用品(PPCPs)对水生生物及生态环境复合污染的远期影响及其生物标记物研究。研究方向主要包括:(1)药物与个人护理用品(PPCPs)的生态毒理效应及其生物标记物研究;(2)持久性有毒有害污染物(PBTs)以及药物与个人护理用品(PPCPs)的环境归趋研究;(3)药物与个人护理用品(PPCPs)的环境检测技术研究。 ――― 主持科研项目 ――― 1.基于Nrf2/ARE信号通路探讨大型溞在NSAIDs暴露下的氧化应激响应及其种群变化(NSFC No: 31770554,68万元).国家自然基金项目,项目负责人,2018.01--2021.12 2. PXR介导河口水体中PhACs暴露对阿部鲻鰕鱯鱼的化学致敏/致耐性效应及其调控机制(NSFC No:41576110,77万元). 国家自然基金项目,项目负责人,2016.01--2019.12 3. 鱼类实验动物新资源的开发与标准化研究(课题编号:2015BAI09B05),国家科技支撑计划项目子课题(51.0万元)2015--2018. 4. 珠江流域水体沉积物中典型有机污染物的生态毒理效应,国家基金委-广东联合基金,合作方负责人(30.0万元),2012--2016. ――― 近五年代表作 ――― 1. Wang C, Ku PJ, Nie XP*, Wang ZH, Li KB. 2019. Effects of simvastatin on the PXR signaling pathway and the liver histology in Mugilogobius abei. Science of the Total Environment 651: 399-409 2. Bao S, Nie XP*, Liu Y, Wang C, Li WL, Liu SJ. 2018. Diclofenac exposure alter the expression of PXR and its downstream target genes in mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis). Science of the Total Environment, 616-617: 583-593. (Corresponding author) 3. Ku PJ, Wang C, Nie XP*, Li KB. 2018. Regulation of pregnane-X-receptor and microRNAs on detoxification-related genes expressions in Mugilogobius abei under the exposure of diclofenac. Environment Pollution, 233,395-406. (Corresponding author) 4. Liu Y, Wang L, Pan BB, Wang C, Bao S, Nie, XP*. 2017. Toxic effects of diclofenac on life history parameters and the expression of detoxification-related genes in Daphnia magna. Aquatic Toxicology, 183: 104-113. (Corresponding author) 5. Bao S, Nie, XP*, Ou RK, Wang C, Ku PJ, Li KB. 2017. Effects of diclofenac on the expression of Nrf2 and its downstream target genes in mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) Aquatic Toxicology, 188: 43-53. (Corresponding author) 6. Wang L, Peng Y, Nie, XP*, Pan BB, Ku PJ, Bao S. 2016. Gene response of CYP360A, CYP314 and GST and whole-organism changes in Daphnia magna exposed to ibuprofen. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 179: 49-56. (Corresponding author). 7. Liang XM, Ou RK, Nie XP*, Wang F, Li KB. 2015. Effects of norfloxacin on gene expression and enzymatic activity of the swordtail fish (Xiphophorus Helleri). Ecotoxicology, 24: 1566-1573. (Corresponding author). 8. Ku PJ, Wu XY, Nie XP*, Ou RK, Wang L, SuT, Li YG. 2014. Effects of triclosan on the detoxification system in the yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco): Expressions of CYP and GST genes and corresponding enzyme activity in phase I, II and antioxidant system. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 166: 105-114. (Corresponding author) 9. Liang XM, Nie XP*, Ying GG, An TC, Li KB. 2013. Assessment of toxic effects of triclosan on the swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri) by a multi-biomarker approach. Chemosphere: 90:1281-1288.(Corresponding author) 10. Nie XP*, LiuBY, Yu HJ, Liu WQ, Yang YF. 2013. Toxic effects of erythromycin, ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole exposure to the antioxidant system in Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Environmental Pollution, 172:23-32. 11. He XT, Nie XP*, Yang YF, Liu XY, Pan DB, Cheng Z, Liang XM. 2012. Multi-biomarker responses in fishes from two typical marine aquaculture regions of South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64: 2317-2324. (Corresponding author) 12. Nie XP, Zie J, Häubner N, Tallmark B, and Snoeijs P. 2011. Why Baltic herring and sprat are weak conduits for astaxanthin from zooplankton to piscivorous fish. Limnology & Oceanography, 56(3), 1155-1167 |
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