



Email: tleilam@jnu.edu.cn


――― 研究方向 ―――


――― 主讲课程 ―――


――― 教育及工作经历 ―――

2004.07-               暨南大学生态学系,任助理研究员、副研究员、教授

1998.09-2004.07      中科院水生生物研究所,环境科学专业,博士学位

1996.07-1998.08      中科院水生生物研究所工作,研究实习员

1992.09-1996.07      武汉大学,遗传学专业,学士学位

――― 主持科研项目 ―――

1.    广东省自然科学基金(2314050004356):磷的可获得性对拟柱孢藻产毒基因型竞争优势及毒素合成的影响和调控机制,2023/012025/12

2.    国家自然科学基金(31770507):南亚热带水库拟柱孢藻的产毒能力对其生态优势的影响与机制研究,2018/01-2021/12

3.    国家自然科学基金(31070416):温度和光照对南亚热带水体产毒和非产毒微囊藻种群竞争的影响,2011/01-2013/12

4.    广东省水利科技创新项目(2016-29):广东省水库产毒拟柱孢藻的定量和快速检测技术研究,2016/04-2018/12

5.    广东省科技计划(2013B091300015):水产养殖水体微囊藻毒素的生物降解技术研究和应用,2014/12-2017/12

6.   广东省自然科学基金(5300418):时间分辨荧光免疫技术在微囊藻毒素检测中的应用,2005-2007

――― 主要论文 ―――

1.  Zhe LuJinmei Ye, Zhijiang Chen, Lijuan Xiao, Lamei Lei* , Bo-ping Han, Paerl HW. Cyanophycin accumulated under nitrogen-fluctuating and high-nitrogen conditions facilitates the persistent dominance and blooms of Raphidiopsis raciborskii in tropical waters. Water Research, 2022, 214:118215.

2.  Lamei Lei, Minting Lei, Nan Cheng, Zhijiang Chen, Lijuan Xiao, Bo-ping Han, Qiuqi Lin*.Nutrient Regulation of Relative Dominance of Cylindrospermopsin- producing and Non-cylindrospermopsin-producing Raphidiopsis raciborskii. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021,12:793544.

3.  Zhe Lu, Lamei Lei *, Yan Lu, Liang Peng, Boping Han. Phosphorus deficiency stimulates dominance of Cylindrospermopsis through facilitating cylindrospermopsin- induced alkaline phosphatase secretion: Integrating field and laboratory-based evidences. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 290: 117946.

4.   Li-Juan Xiao, La-Mei Lei*, Liang Peng, Qiu-Qi Lin, Luigi Naselli-Flores. Iron operates as an important factor promoting year-round diazotrophic cyanobacteria blooms in eutrophic reservoirs in the tropics. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 125: 107446

5.   Qiuqi Lin, Qinghang Chen, Liang Peng, Lijuan Xiao, Lamei Lei*, Erik Jeppesen. Do bigheaded carp act as a phosphorus source for phytoplankton in (sub)tropical Chinese reservoirs? Water Research, 2020, 180: 115841

6.  Lamei Lei, Jingjun Dai, Qiuqi Lin, Liang Peng. Competitive dominance of Microcystis aeruginosa against Raphidiopsis raciborskii is strain- and temperature-dependent. Knowl Manag Aquat Ecosyst. 2020, 421:36.

7.  Lamei Lei, Haitang Huang, Liang Peng, Yang Yang, Lijuan Xiao, Bo-Ping Han. Life-history responses of Daphnia sinensis simultaneously exposed to Microcystis aeruginosa and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. Ecotoxicology, 2020, 29(6): 771-779.

8.   Liang Peng, Quehui Tang, Jiguang Gu, Lamei Lei*, Wei Chen, Lirong Song. Seasonal variation of microcystins and their accumulation in fish in two large shallow lakes of China. Ecotoxicology, 2020, 29(6): 790-800.

9.   Lamei Lei, Minting Lei, Yan Lu, Liang Peng, Bo-Ping Han. Development of real-time PCR for quantification of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii cells and potential cylindrospermopsin-producing genotypes in subtropical reservoirs of southern China.  Journal of Applied Phycology, 2019, 31(6): 3749-3758.

10. Lei LM, Peng L, Yang YHan B-P. Development of Time-Resolved Fluoroimmunoassay for Detection of Cylindrospermopsin Using Its Novel Monoclonal Antibodies. Toxins (Basel), 2018, 10(7): 255.

11. Lamei Lei, Chunlian Li C, Liang Peng, Bo-Ping Han. Competition between toxic and non-toxic Microcystis aeruginosa and its ecological implication.Ecotoxicology. 2015, 24(7-8):1411-8.

12. Lamei Lei, Liang Peng, Xianghui Huang and Bo-Ping Han. Occurrence and dominance of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and dissolved cylindrospermopsin in urban reservoirs used for drinking water supply, South China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014186(5): 3079-90.

13.  Lamei Lei, Shaojun Lin, Ren Hu, Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in reservoirs of south China. Tropical and sub-tropical reservoir limnology in China, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 2012p109-122.

14.  江启明,侯伟,顾继光,彭亮,雷腊梅*广州市典型中小型水库营养状态与蓝藻种群特征。生态环境学报,2010, 19(10): 2461-67.

15.  桂佳,胡韧,辛艳萍,韩博平,高武雄,雷腊梅*一株来自于水库的浮游蓝丝藻SK3株的生长及产毒特性。湖泊科学,201022(3):1-5

16.     李春连,辛艳萍,韩博平,雷腊梅*。广东省水库微囊藻的产毒特征和ITS序列的遗传多样性分析。热带亚热带植物学报,201321(4):323-331.

17.      黄海塘,雷腊梅*,彭亮,韩博平微囊藻和拟柱孢藻对亚热带大型枝角类拟同形溞(Daphnia similoides)生长与繁殖的影响。应用与环境生物学报,20152: 366-371.

18.      戴景峻,彭亮,于婷,雷腊梅*。镇海水库拟柱孢藻的分离鉴定和氮磷对其生长的影响。水生生物学报,2015, 3: 533-539.

19.  赵莉,雷腊梅*,彭亮,韩博平。广东省镇海水库拟柱孢藻的季节动态及驱动因子分析。湖泊科学,2017, 29(1): 193-199.

20.  雷腊梅, 雷敏婷, 赵莉, 阮紫曦, 于婷, 彭亮, 韩博平。入侵蓝藻——拟柱孢藻的分布特征及生理生态研究进展。生态环境学报, 2017, 26 (3): 531-537.

21.  阮紫曦, 于婷, 雷腊梅*,彭亮,韩博平。光照-温度交互作用及不同氮源对拟柱孢藻生长的影响。热带与亚热带植物学报,2018, 26(2): 133-140.

22.  雷敏婷,彭亮,韩博平,雷腊梅*。广东省水库拟柱孢藻(Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii)的分布特征及影响因子分析。环境科学, 2018, 39(12): 5523-5531.

23.  路琰,雷敏婷,叶金梅,雷腊梅*,韩博平。广东省千灯湖拟柱孢藻的形态和产毒能力的株间差异及系统进化分析。湖泊科学,2020, 32(1):144-153.

24.  叶金梅,赵莉,罗旭,彭亮,雷腊梅*拟柱孢藻生长及碱性磷酸酶活性对不同磷浓度和磷形态响应的株系间差异。环境科学, 2020, 41(9): 4088-4094.

25.陈志江,阮紫曦,程楠,肖利娟,彭亮,韩博平,雷腊梅*。拟柱孢藻N8Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii N8)全基因组测序及磷吸收转运通路的比较分析。水生生物学报,202246(8): 1130-1141.

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