奥地利维也纳大学湖沼学博士,国际湖沼学会(SIL)中国理事/代表,中国鱼类学会理事,国际水生态学报(Aquatic Ecology)编委,生态学博士后流动站站长。 主要从事淡水生态学、淡水环境科学与恢复生态序的研究,包括水体生态系统结构(鱼类、浮动物游动物、底栖动物、浮游植物、水生高等植物等)特征及其与环境因子的关系、营养盐生物地球化学循环(运用放射性同位素和稳定同位素标记法)、水体污染控制与水环境修复理论与技术等。先后主持和参加了国家自然科学基金项目、国家“863”项目、国家支撑项目和国家“973”项目等项目的研究,研究内容主要有水体(太湖、滇池、广东惠州西湖等)富营养化机理与控制对策、蓝藻水华控制、生态系统与水质修复等。
——— 主要论文 ——— 1. Liu, G., Z. Liu*, Y. Li, F. Chen, B. Gu & J. M. Smoak. 2008. Effects of fish introduction and eutrophication on the cladoceran community in Lake Fuxian, a deep oligotrophic lake in southwest China. Journal of Paleolimnology. 10.1007/s10933-008-9286-3. 2. Li. K.,Z. Liu*, B. Gu, 2008. Persistence of clear water in a nutrient-impacted region of Lake Taihu: The role of periphyton grazing by snails. Fundamental and Applied Limnology: 173(1): 15–20. 3. Li. K.,Z. Liu*, Y. Hu & H. Yang, 2008. Snail herbivory on submerged macrophytes and the nutrient release: Implication for the macrophyte management. Ecological Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2008.05.009. 4. Huang, P., B. Han &Z. Liu*,2008. The effect of a wave-reduction engineering on sediment resuspension in a large shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu). Ecological Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2008.10.007. 5. Sommaruga. R. Y. Chen &Z. Liu. 2008. Multiple Strategies of Bloom-Forming Microcystis to Minimize Damage by Solar Ultraviolet Radiation in Surface Waters. Microbial Ecology. DOI 10.1007/s00248-008-9425-4. 6. Huang, P., B. Han &Z. Liu*,2007. Floating-leaved macrophyte (Trapa quadrispinosa Roxb) beds have significant effects on sediment resuspension in Lake Taihu, China. Hydrobiologia 581:189–193. 7. Liu, Z., D. Haeder & R. Sommaruga, 2004. Occurrence of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in the bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Journal of Plankton Research. 26(8): 963-966. 8. Qin, B.,Z. Liu* & K. Havens, 2007. Eutrophication of Shallow Lakes with Special Reference to Lake Taihu (Hydrobiologia专辑). Springer. pp327. ——— 荣誉与奖励 ——— 1. 修复富营养湖泊水生生态系统的方法(发明专利,授权号:200410065661.9) 2. 在富营养浅水湖泊中恢复水生植被的方法(发明专利,授权号:200410065660.4)